28 Jan 2023

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Through Bali Farmer’s we have developed partnership with farmer cooperatives and have been able to assess and streamline the supply chain process thereby allowing us to source directly from our farmers, increase efficiency and boost the local economy. We empowering farmers globally in sustainable agricultural operations Covering land on Phase I we are planting for 5000 trees 


We are planting nutmeg, teaching the farmer how to cultivate nutmeg. Nutmeg grows in tropical place like Indonesia such as Bali. Requirements for cultivating Nutmeg such as good soil for planting nutmeg is loose soil that contains nutrients. Gets access to sunlight has good drainage system. Nutmeg is harvested twice a year. We are guiding farmers on controlled us of pesticides to grow sustainable products.


Do you know that’s very easily, quickly and have a fun to peel of nutmeg from the seeds? We are ready to give you tips on how to peel of nutmeg seeds from their shell.. Separating the seeds from the flowers is called peeling the nutmeg.